Monday, 27 February 2012

Playing with brushes

I got this origional image from Perou's website, and I thought its a really strong image and could be made better once played with on Photoshop. I slightly darkened the image using levels and curves as I thought it would look better darker. I then used some star brushes from photoshop, as I thought it would be a good idea to make the scene look like a sky, even though its obviously the sea. I then added some mermaid brushes onto the models skin to create a look suggesting the girls dissolving into the water, which I think works really well. How I've edited this image, you can look at it in different ways. It could be portrayed as a scene in the sky, due to the stars and the sun above the water, or it could remain being portrayed in the sea, just with tools that have finished off the image really well.

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