Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Evaluation for Play Brief

I have really enjoyed working with this brief, discovering a big range of ways photography can be displayed. At first, I wasnt sure on the project as I didnt like all the computer use that was involved as all we use to record our work on is the blog. However, the further I got in the project, the more I started to enjoy it.

The thing I didnt like about using the blog as a alternative to a sketch book was that I couldnt touch it, or arrange everything to how I do compfortably in a sketch book. I also wasnt very keen on all the editing with brushes, layers, blending ect. Although, having said that, after looking at many other artists work, I started to think this style of photography is more like art, which I did for GCSE and i really enjoyed it. This made me more enthusiastic about the brief and made me more willing to experiment and put more effort into it.

The good thing about using the blog to record your work is firstly, its so much cheaper as there is no printing involved, or materials you would need if producing a sketch book for your work. All you have to do is gather research on other artists, do photoshop work to your images, and then simply upload it all to your blog and add descriptions and evaluations. Also, it makes it easier when scanning as you only have to use the computer, whereas with a sketch book you would have to use the computer to scan and for photoshop, then you would have to print it out and stick it into your sketch book.

If I did this brief again, I would try and experiment more with different techniques as most of my finals are of the same kind of style, with mainly brushes used on an image I have taken. I would have liked to have time to do more acrylic transfers as I really like the look of them. I also would of re-created a lot more work from the research I did from other artists. As well, I would have liked to have had a go at creatnig some images using typography, just because its so different and a different style completly to what I'm used to working with.

The two images I printed out as my finals were chosen because I felt they best represented what I have learned whilst doing this brief, and they best showed the whole idea of 'play'. Although they were both very simliar as well, they were still quite different, as the image of the girl pulling a pose with the colour scheme just black and silver is not very realistic, but very graphic. Whereas the other print of the outlined body with the hand up in the foreground with a blue, black and silver colour scheme.

Overall, I am pleased with the work I have produced in this brief as I feel I have learned a lot with manipulating images to make them look better in a lot of cases, and to add an extra element to them. I have enjoyed working on the blog as well, although I didnt at first, as it has showed me what its like to run your own blog, gave me independance as you cant go to your tutour whenever you please to look through your work with.

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