Tuesday, 6 March 2012


I found the term 'typography' in  the exhibition in college. As soon as I saw it I wanted to look into it with more detail and time. I really like the way an image can be made out of words which are relevant to the image. For example, the top image of the zebra is just made out of black writing which reads 'zebra'. I think its really effective. My favourite one out of these examples, I think, is the portrait image with a low key background of Nelly Furtado's face. I like it the most because the face literally is just made out of the name 'Nelly Furtado'. Its so clever how the words have been blacked out on Photoshop where the eyes are to make it look realistic and so that you can tell its meant to be eyes there. Also how the words have been curved over where the lips are meant to be to give the impression that is where the lips are. I would love to try and create some kind of image using typography, as its refreshing to do rather that sticking to using just images and adding text onto the top with a layer on photoshop.

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